
She-Hive Association is an inimitable civil society organisation which was initially founded by survivors of gender based violence as well as all forms of discrimination for victims and survivors of violence and discrimination to combat the stigma around speaking out about and against issues of violence and discrimination.

We are a civic, grassroots organisation. She-Hive’s projects and programs are based at the community level and are designed in response to community based issues, hence we have habituated ourselves with these approaches; humanitarian principles approach, rights based approach, survivor based approach and community based approach.

She-Hive provides violence prevention and post care services to victims of violence. Our aim is to have a digression from victim to survival phase wherein our beneficiaries have conversations about and speak out against violence. We provide post care services through psychosocial support by ensuring that victims overcome violence aftermath until they become survivors.

She-Hive ensures case management for every violence and discrimination case reported by its beneficiaries, hence our psycho-social support services entail the following case management procedures:
- Assessment; which is the process of identifying the condition and or needs, abilities and preferences of individuals.
- Care planning; being mapping out of goals and preferences, strategies and the next steps towards achieving the desired outcomes.
- Alignment; which is putting the plan in action working together with individuals involved.
- Evaluation measurement; being basically what is working and what is not, and what progress is being made towards achieving individual’s goals.
- Client self- determination; being the process where individuals learn the skills necessary to take control of their care with confidence

Though the initial mission was to empower survivors of gender based violence, due to the psychosocial issues which led to the prevalence of suicidal cases in the country, She-Hive found it best fitting to broaden its spectrum by providing women and children with psychosocial support of all forms, which is inclusive of the HIV infected and affected.

She-Hive acts as a reservoir as it accommodates referrals requiring psychosocial support from as comprehensive as violence is and beyond, from various stakeholders, an exemplary is that of victims from CGPU, FIDA, community associations and many others.