Networking and Collaboration

In carrying out our work, we deemed it necessary to involve other stakeholders who have more or less the same mission and vision as us taking into consideration the slogan “together we can”. Amongst the organizations and Institutions we work with, there is:

  • Ministry of Gender, Youth and Sports Recreation(MGYSR)
  • Aid Health Foundation (AHF)
  • Child, Gender and Protection Unit (CGPU) – Police department.
  • Women and Law in Southern African(WILSA)
  • Lesotho Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA)
  • Lesotho Council of Women (LCW)
  • Lesotho Council of Non-governmental organisations(LCN)
  • Local Government – Maseru District Administrator (DA - Maseru)
  • Men Engage Network

The network is intended to facilitate and intensify involvement of men and boys in advocacy and social mobilization activities with the ultimate goal of eradicating sexual and gender based violence as a major driver of poor maternal health. Our partners in MenEngage Network are currently the following organisations:-

  1. CRROA
  2. GEM Institute
  3. Khotla Lesotho
Program / project name Start and end date Target Audience Geographical coverage Type of interventions No. of people provided with services Funder/ donor
In Her Shoes October – November, 2016 Survivors of domestic violence and gender based violence Maseru Two Forums - Sharing documented “I Stories” from other countries – Theme for the forums – “Walk in her Shoes” 50 people Raising Voices (Uganda)
Development of a National Implementation Plan (NIP)of Married Persons Equality Bill August -November 2014 All Stakeholders in the fight against SGBV including Ministry of Gender. Maseru Launching the development of NIP Development of Technical Working Committee Holding a couple of meetings. 37 people Raising Voices (Uganda)
“Her Rights Our Rights”(Women`s Month, International Women`s Day, World Aids Day and Human Rights Day) together with an event named “Safe Cities Campaign” August – December 2014 and August – December 2015 Men, Women and children from five villages at Qeme (students from three schools – one high school and two primary schools also participated) Qeme – Five villages namely:- Ha Tsiame, Ha Tsolo, Ha Tiko, Ha Ramorakane and Ha Hlalele. Fun walk followed with dialogues, a film, drama, netball and football) Fun walk followed with dialogues and a film. 700 people
550 people
Action Aid International - Lesotho
Movember celebration(celebrating Men and encouraging them to be conscious of their health) November 2017
November 2017
Policemen, Street vendors, taxi owners, footballers.Survivors of Maseru Fun walk followed with dialogues. 500 people Aids Health Foundation
16 days of activism against violence to women and children December 10th 2016 Policemen, Street vendors, taxi owners, footballers. Survivors of Domestic Violence and SGBV in Maseru(those who are members) Maseru Film (produced by both Sesotho Media and She-Hive) Named Mollong – about children and women`s rights. 35 people Sesotho Media
Program / project name Start and end date Target Audience Geographical coverage Type of interventions No. of people provided with services Funder/ donor
Prevention of new HIV infections through sensitization and encouraging PrEP initiation. May 2018 - February 2019 500 Adolescent Girls and Young Women including Female Sex Workers Maseru Production of a film(tool used when conducting community dialogues) Conducting community dialogues Sensitisation through media Street mobilisation Referring AGYW for PrEP initiation Referring AGYW for family planning and ARVs 881 AGYW mobilised for initiation of PrEP and 492 were initiated 50 were found HIV positive and referred to PSI for ARV initiation 100 were referred to PSI for family planning JHPIEGO
Prevention of new HIV infections through sensitization and encouraging PrEP initiation. March 2019 - September 2019 700 Adolescent Girls and Young Women Maseru Conduct mobilisation campaigns to sensitize and encourage AGYW to initiate PrEP. Already 150 AGYW are initiated…. on going JHPIEGO
Referring Clients for Legal Counsel to either WILSA or FIDA 2012 – still going on Survivors of GBV Maseru One on one consultations held on daily basis and monthly group sessions. At least 2 women a month…. on going No funding, just collaboration
Referring Survivors to Lapeng Care Centre (A Shelter for battered women owned by Ministry of Gender) 2012 – still going on Survivors of GBV Maseru One on one consultations held on daily basis and monthly group sessions. At least 1 women a month…. on going No funding, just collaboration
Referring Survivors to CGPU 2012 – still going on Survivors of GBV Maseru One on one consultations held on daily basis and monthly group sessions. At least 1 women a month…. on going No funding, just collaboration